Thursday, December 25, 2008

Happy Holidays! (also an update)

Hey guys! Happy Holidays! Merry Christmas! Happy New Year! And so on!

Just wanted to update you guys since my last blog...I know, I know I haven't been updating as much but it was finals time (which went ok) and of course holiday season is here. (And maybe perhaps no awkward convos with the opposite gender have occurred since).

I am glad this semester is over with. I was really worried about not passing this one class (organic chemistry) and so by the time grades were supposed to be out I was pretty much freaking out. But luckily all is good and this semester turned out pretty well. I'm just glad I can take a break from all this school nonsense.

Just got back from seeing Curious Case of Benjamin Button, and it was really good. I highly recommend it. It reminded me of Forrest Gump alot while I was watching it...Don't know why but it did. But you should see it. Definitely oscar worthy IMO.

As some you may know, I'll be away this weekend on a ski trip to Jersey. So I'll definitely try to get some pics (maybe even video) of it if I can of me falling on my ass multiple times and I will post them here when I get back.

Also, I just wanted to thank all you foos who left a nice video message on my wall wishing me Merry Christmas. I'm sorry I haven't been able to comment them yet, but I really appreciated it and to be honest I didn't even expect that many of you to even leave me a text, rather than a whole video. Haha, so thanks and wish all you guys a safe and happy holidays!!!


1 comment:

liagiba. said...

You are quite welcome, mister.

Enjoy your ski trip! :D

Ahhh, I wanna watch that movie now! Came out with good ratings.