Tuesday, March 3, 2009


So last night at around 2am, I happened to check one of my class's syllabus and to my astonishment found out I had a midterm in the morning in about 8 hrs. Needless to say, I panicked and shouted various sorts of curse words upon my discovery.

Guess I won't be getting my beauty rest after all.

So I basically had to cram in what remaining hrs I had left, while still trying to get as much sleep as I could. I couldn't pull an all-nighter because I had crap to do the next day and I knew I would be too tired to concentrate on those things due to lack of sleep. So I crammed. And I crammed. Till around 5 am came and I really had to go to sleep. I figured I would get up around 8 am and study a little more before the test (my test was at 10:30). Naturally, I got up around 9 instead and by this time, I really was cramming. Luckily, this was one of easier classes, so I wasn't too worried by the time I entered the classroom.

You know what I found out 5 min later? Yes, that's right. NO midterm today. Midterm will be next week he said. MOTHERF@#$&%^($!!!! Thanks, professor. Thanks for making the last 8 hrs such a delight for me in this trying time. Sigh...

So yeah. No midterm. I suppose I should feel relieved and grateful. And I am. For the most part.

I'm beginning to realize just how cyclical and mundane my life really is. It's like the same thing over and over again. And you would think that I'm tired of it. But the truth is, I'm used to it. I've been conditioned and molded, by my teachers, by my parents, by freakin' society basically to do the things you are required to do to what is it? "Have a good life"? "Secure your long term future"?

I'm not saying you shouldn't get a good education. Because I've seen the statistics. I've heard and seen the facts. I know the importance of a good education. I wanna have a good life. For me and possibly a family in the future. But sometimes I wish I could be someone else. I wish I could stop doing the same things everyday. I wish I step in someone else's shoes for once and see what that's like. Just for a day. To experience what they experience on a daily basis.

What is it really like to scale huge mountains for a living? Or get paid to play a sport that you love? Is being a rock star truly as awesome as it sounds? Even doing small things like working in a coffee shop. Or fixing cars. Or owning a restaurant. These are all things I have never experienced. And probably never will. But wouldn't it be fun and a hell of a lot more exciting just to see if I could?

What are some of your ""desires" or things you wish you could experience?

Man I am hungry. And that was a long post, sorry for that haha.

Talk to you later.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Long time no see

Hey guys, just wanted to tell you all I'm gonna start blogging again.

Yeah, I know it's been like two months since my last post, but honestly my life has just gotten to the point where it's been the same thing over and over again. I really wish more exciting things happened to me more often..

Anyways, expect more posts from me soon. I won't blog everyday but whenever I need to write down some thoughts or have any more awkward convos with girls I'll be sure to post them here. I really do feel like blogging is a good way to let something off your chest once in a while.

Anyway, it's late and I'm tired. Have a good night.

P.S. to a certain someone: you know I am always there to talk and listen. Keep your chin up. :]