Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Update time

Sup foos, sorry I haven't updated this in a few days. That's what happens when you don't have internet access. Which I don't at my new apartment. And It. SUCKS. Period. Try going a week without internet. I doubt you'd last. And this is just a few days so far. You must be wondering how I am typing this right now. No? Not really? Well, I'll tell you anyways. I went home. Yep. Awesome.

Anywayssssss, I called Comcast like 2 days ago to set up my internet and I originally had them come in on Thursday. But I found out I had a dentist appointment. Just my luck. So I had to reschedule and they didn't freakin had any available openings until the following Tuesday.

Tuesday?!?!?!? Are you freakin serious?!?!!?

Yea. So that sucks major balls. Luckily my house still has internet so I'll be here over the weekend. My uncle is also coming to visit from China. So that should be pretty exciting. I haven't seen him in like 5 years. And why am I typing in such short sentences you ask? Well, this is my blog. I can do whatever I want.

Let's see...what else happened?

I visited my college buds that I haven't seen since school ended, so that was pretty fun. And no. I did not get drunk. Or high. I don't do those things.

Drugs and alcohol are not even words in my vocabulary.

Oh and apparently I need to get stuff that I didn't realize I needed for living. Like shower curtains. And laundry detergent. And clothes hangers. And food.

So I guess that's it for now. I have to get reading my fellow bloggers and see what those bitches are up to.

Ooooo a Vanessa Hugdens concert? Nice...


Anonymous said...

you are so silly ducks

and I'm glad you don't drink or get high. It would have forever tarnished my idea of ducks.


Anonymous said...

Straight edge, sweet. Ahaha. And no internet? Aw. :[ That DOES suck. I've been wondering where you went off to!