If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and looks like a duck, it must be a duck.
I know huh? I made it up myself.
Ok, I didn't make it up. But still, very fitting doncha say?
I guess the trouble is, nothing (at least nothing interesting) really happened these past couple of days. Maybe that's why I had trouble starting this. And I'm one of those people that tries not to recount their whole day because frankly, most of my days are just not that interesting. Maybe it's cause school hasn't started yet, so it's been hard to keep myself occupied. Has that occurred to you? Like when you're waiting for something to happen, and you have to try to keep yourself busy until it does. And the fact that you're waiting makes it that much harder to do.
Read that twice, because I had to just to make sense of what I wrote.
Anyways, these past couple of days, I've just been chillin' pretty much. Like I said, I'm not one to recount my days. Although, I did go to the dentist on Thursday. And my friend, who works at Pizza Boli's COMPLETELY forgot to bring me free food last night, even though I called him 5 hrs beforehand to make sure. So we had to go to Checker's at like 12 midnight. And I was starving as a horse. I dunno if you know, but ducks cannot go long without bread at all. That's why they never get full. You keep feeding them bread, and they'll keep eating it. They gotta save up in case they never see Cindy again. :)
Not Sarah though.
What a meanie.
Oh guys, if you want my AIM you'll have to ask for it. I can't just post it here due to the many stalkers I will possess...cough Brandon cough...
And freakin get on Skype people! Sheesh what happened to everyone?
Ok, I guess this will be it for now. I will leave you guys with a very dear friend of mine:
Meet Jim:

P.S. - Oh btw, I might be coming out with something special soon. It's a surprise but I'll give you a hint. It has to do with a lovely little site that we all go to and wander around, looking for something to...watch...So just be on the lookout for that. :)
Ok later foos.
You're right, I was going to say 'awwww he's so cute!' Hm read my mind eh?
OOHH since you have AIM, I'll ask for it on Skype :] That is, if you do want to give it to me. LOL
Yeah, usually nothing interesting happens for me too. I just blog on what I've done on this particular day or so. At least I have something to write about. LMAO
hmm, I'm curious now about your surprise!!!
And everyone was on skype yesterday pshh. even kevin (ok he was on the away status but it counts no?)
Hahaha, I totally "aww'd" at the duck's picture. And are you calling me mean because I don't give you bread? :O Oh my, haha.
Btw, I like how you write your blogs. Don't know why, but your style of writing makes it interesting to read!
I'll probably end up getting your sn from someone else such as Abby
and Jim is kinda creepy lookin to me...starin at me and what not...creep
ahaha! I wasn't thinking ''awww he's so cute!'', but I did laughed my butt off with it so.. thank you =P I needed that in this sleepless night. and you know, everything gets a lot funnier when you're bored out of your mind, and half asleep -_-''.. it made my day!
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