Sunday, August 31, 2008

Ohhh stop it! You're too modest!

I've been trying for the last 5 minutes trying to think up a clever way to start this blog post. But nothing came to me, so I'll guess I'll just go with a wise proverb to get you started:

If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and looks like a duck, it must be a duck.

I know huh? I made it up myself.

Ok, I didn't make it up. But still, very fitting doncha say?

I guess the trouble is, nothing (at least nothing interesting) really happened these past couple of days. Maybe that's why I had trouble starting this. And I'm one of those people that tries not to recount their whole day because frankly, most of my days are just not that interesting. Maybe it's cause school hasn't started yet, so it's been hard to keep myself occupied. Has that occurred to you? Like when you're waiting for something to happen, and you have to try to keep yourself busy until it does. And the fact that you're waiting makes it that much harder to do.

Read that twice, because I had to just to make sense of what I wrote.

Anyways, these past couple of days, I've just been chillin' pretty much. Like I said, I'm not one to recount my days. Although, I did go to the dentist on Thursday. And my friend, who works at Pizza Boli's COMPLETELY forgot to bring me free food last night, even though I called him 5 hrs beforehand to make sure. So we had to go to Checker's at like 12 midnight. And I was starving as a horse. I dunno if you know, but ducks cannot go long without bread at all. That's why they never get full. You keep feeding them bread, and they'll keep eating it. They gotta save up in case they never see Cindy again. :)

Not Sarah though.

What a meanie.

Oh guys, if you want my AIM you'll have to ask for it. I can't just post it here due to the many stalkers I will possess...cough Brandon cough...

And freakin get on Skype people! Sheesh what happened to everyone?

Ok, I guess this will be it for now. I will leave you guys with a very dear friend of mine:

Meet Jim:
Cute isn't he? I want all the girls to leave "Awwwww he's soo cuuute!" comments to make him happy. You too brandon. I mean come on. You can stare into those eyes forever.

P.S. - Oh btw, I might be coming out with something special soon. It's a surprise but I'll give you a hint. It has to do with a lovely little site that we all go to and wander around, looking for something just be on the lookout for that. :)

Ok later foos.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008



No one is on. Like no one is on skype, AIM, ustream, or any of the hundreds of ways we communicate.

This is gay.

Update time

Sup foos, sorry I haven't updated this in a few days. That's what happens when you don't have internet access. Which I don't at my new apartment. And It. SUCKS. Period. Try going a week without internet. I doubt you'd last. And this is just a few days so far. You must be wondering how I am typing this right now. No? Not really? Well, I'll tell you anyways. I went home. Yep. Awesome.

Anywayssssss, I called Comcast like 2 days ago to set up my internet and I originally had them come in on Thursday. But I found out I had a dentist appointment. Just my luck. So I had to reschedule and they didn't freakin had any available openings until the following Tuesday.

Tuesday?!?!?!? Are you freakin serious?!?!!?

Yea. So that sucks major balls. Luckily my house still has internet so I'll be here over the weekend. My uncle is also coming to visit from China. So that should be pretty exciting. I haven't seen him in like 5 years. And why am I typing in such short sentences you ask? Well, this is my blog. I can do whatever I want.

Let's see...what else happened?

I visited my college buds that I haven't seen since school ended, so that was pretty fun. And no. I did not get drunk. Or high. I don't do those things.

Drugs and alcohol are not even words in my vocabulary.

Oh and apparently I need to get stuff that I didn't realize I needed for living. Like shower curtains. And laundry detergent. And clothes hangers. And food.

So I guess that's it for now. I have to get reading my fellow bloggers and see what those bitches are up to.

Ooooo a Vanessa Hugdens concert? Nice...

Friday, August 22, 2008

Ok, you know that saying "Oh man, it feels like summer just flew by! School is here already! waahhhh"

Well, has there been any summers in which it didn't feel short at all? Or school years that just flew by unexpectedly? That happened to me this year. The school year flew by and the summer dragged on. I dunno why that would happen because usually summer means fun and fun means time flies. It's not to say I didn't have fun, in fact, I had plenty of good times. But it just seemed that summer ran longer than usual for me.

Today, I got my keys to the new apt, so yay! I'll be moving most likely tomorrow, so you won't see me online for a couple days as I have to call Comcast to get my internet set up. Living w/o your parents is great, but those bills sure aren't. I have to start paying for rent, internet, gas & electric, food, and who knows what else?

Oh, and I had Panda Express for lunch that's all I have to say on that.

Oh and SkypeMe should be interesting tonight...if we actually get to play it. Right now only chris, jayther, and some weird canatian guy is online. It is Friday, isn't it?

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Canada is gay.

So I promised some pics earlier from my vacation to Bermuda and yes, be prepared to get jealous. A lot.

The view from our ship as we sail into Bermuda. How nice.

The beautiful red sunset slowly fading into the horizon...How romantic.

And finally one of the many beaches here. Which we did not go to. But the picture is here so stop complaining.
You may notice that I'm not in any of the photos. Well, that's cause my parents took these pics, and 99.99999% of them were either a combination of my dad, my mom, or my dad and my mom together. I had to scour the folder just to find some decent photos of the scenery. That took awhile. Sometimes I just find it annoying and weird that Asian parents want to take pictures of themselves every 5 minutes while on a vacation. Don't you?

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Daaaaaaaang girl!

Ok, so I decided for this blog that I'll try to update this everyday. The only consequence would be my posts won't run for like seven paragraphs. I've seen you all write like novels *cough sarah cough*, and that's just cause I can be pretty lazy sometimes. But don't worry, this blog will be full of nice tidbits and whatnots for your pleasure. :)

This past week I was noticeably absent and no, I did not die or elope or win the lottery. I went on vacation (gasp!) to Bermuda for a week. Yes. That's right. Bermuda. And it was heaven. Well, not exactly heaven. I got sunburn :( and it hurt like a mofo. I thought I was being all badass not putting on sunscreen when my mom kept telling me too. Well, let's just say you should ALWAYS do what your mom tells you. I learned my lesson. And now, I am peeling like a potato.

But anyways, back to Bermuda. It was a tropical paradise as you would expect and the beaches were fantastic. I'll put up some pics later, I can't find my camera right now. The water is clear as the sky and perfect for snorkeling and scuba diving, which I did extensively. I also did this underwater helmet dive where you actually dive in 20 ft to the ocean floor and walk across. It was pretty interesting and certainly a new experience. And apparently moldy bread is like crack to fish. They go crazy for that. what else is new? Oh apparently my lease for my apartment starts tomorrow, and I'm debating whether I should start moving in. Obviously, you guys would be like duh cause you're rent starts, you might as well move in. The thing is, my parents are both working this week and so I would have to move in by myself. And I have to bring in furniture and stuff, which is going to be hard with just me. Maybe I can call up some of my friends who are already moved in. Maybe this is just me being lazy haha. That's probably it lol.

So yeah, I might, I repeat I might, be moving into my apt. tomorrow. That should be pretty exciting. But then I realize I'm moving in for school, which doesn't seem so exciting anymore. But whatevs. I could just show up and bring non-heavy things for now and bring the rest later. I'll figure something out.

Wow, this entry turned out pretty long. I guess it's not that hard to write novels huh?

Number one

Ok so I started this because other people were doing it and 'cause i was bored. And because Cindy is so persuading ;). I guess this will take getting used to since i've never blogged before.

It's weird in this situation because for blogging, it's essentially like a diary, only other people can read it and that's kind of a weird concept to me. It's not like I can put just any of my thoughts here. Or maybe I can haha. And if you're reading this you probably already know who I am, so that anonymity the internet so wonderfully provides for us disappears. But, as they say, I'll just "go with the flow" and see how this turns out.

And I'll try to update this as much as I can...unlike some people...:)

So for now, peace and expect more soon.